Whenever we have to go out somewhere, we often think that we are ready. But are we really ready? We fail to anticipate the many small things that need to be done before heading out anywhere. These things may appear small and less time-consuming. However, that isn't always the case because it is these things which delay us so much when we are heading out. These are 2 different edits of a video about 2 characters. One of them is dressed up and is hence on his laptop. However, when his friend comes, he realizes that he has to take his phone and mask, wear shoes etc. His friend is waiting outside when he does all this. However, she begins to get impatient and when he goes inside to get a new sanitizer, she goes away. This is a situation most of us face which is why I decided to make a video on it. This is the first time I decorated the set to suit the scene.
Getting Ready


Getting Ready
